Learn how Tyba's latest updates will boost your revenue capture and streamline your development and financing processes.

Release highlights

We are excited to share several updates across the Tyba product. These updates allow users to do the following:

As always, we welcome your feedback on what features are most helpful for your team. We will be focusing on a variety of usability and automation improvements over the next few months, so please don’t hesitate to reach out with suggestions.

Compare short-term price forecasts

Tyba strives to provide complete flexibility across the modeling chain (of forecast/dispatch/bid). To that end, we now support uploading multiple external price forecasts into our application to use for driving dispatch and bidding decisions. This can be applied across services and operating days.

Screenshot of upload module (with dummy data)


Screenshot of single forecast comparison to actual prices (with dummy data & assumptions)


Real-time operational strategies

During an operating day, a Real-Time operator performs two main market actions: (1) managing the state-of-charge to meet Day-Ahead commitments, and (2) seeking to capture Real-Time arbitrage opportunities by taking advantage of updated information. Depending on how weighted an operating plan is across real-time and day-ahead, this can unlock a significant increase in revenue.

In the past month, Tyba's AI/ML team has implemented a rolling re-forecasting model. This model enables operators to perform market actions using the most up-to-date and accurate price forecasts available, while adhering to market timelines. The animation below demonstrates how the forecasts are updated throughout the operating day.

RTM Price ($/MWh) vs. Hour Beginning

Black line = actual; animated line = re-forecasts for remainder of day

animated_lines (1).gif